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Cyprus Company Documents

Cyprus Company Documents

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Cyprus Company Document examples

We can provide clients with a comprehensive Cyprus company search report and obtain copies of official documents on Cypriot companies from the Department of the Registrar of Companies.

Cyprus Company Document fees

Cyprus Company Documents
Company Search Report£1885-7 days
Certificate of Good Standing Registry Certified£3005-7 days
Certificate of Good Standing Apostilled£5505-7 days
Certificate of Incorporation Registry Certified£3005-7 days
Memorandum of Association Registry Certified£3007-10 days
Memorandum of Association Apostilled£5508-14 days
Expedite fee£75

Cyprus Company Search Report

A Cypriot company search will include the registration details of the company and contain the details filed with the Department of the Registrar of Companies.

A company search in Cyprus will generally return the following information on the target company:

  • Full company name
  • Date of Incorporation
  • Company registration number
  • CINFO ID number
  • Company Type – limited company
  • Current Status – Good Standing, Struck Off
  • Registered Office Address
  • Registered Agent and agent’s contact information
  • Address of the company’s headquarters
  • Contact details of the company’s headquarters
  • Date of last filed annual return
  • Directors name, address details, ID, occupation, age, date appointed and other directorships
  • Directors history – name, ID, date started and date resigned –  where available
  • Company Secretary – name, ID, occupation, address details, age and date appointed,
  • Company Secretary history – name, ID, date started and date resigned – where available
  • Shareholder details – including ID, nationality, number shares/ percentage of shares held
  • Shareholders history and transactions – where available
  • Share Capital details including – authorised share capital, nominal number of shares, nominal value, issued capital, issued no of shares, paid up share capital
  • Industry Classifications – NAICS
  • Charges & Mortgages – date registered, type, description, amount – where available
  • NACE Activity code – code and description
  • Business Activities
  • Latest Director’s Report & Accounts including – directors report to shareholders, profit and loss report, balance sheet, notes to the accounts, list of subsidiaries – where filed/ available

There is a legal requirement in Cyprus that Limited companies must submit annual accounts at the Registry, but in practice this is not the case. A partnership in Cyprus does not have to file annual returns or accounts.

The Cyprus registry can show a limited liability company with annual accounts as  filed but not available yet from the registry. Filed accounts can show as pending for several months after they were filed at the Registrar of Companies.

Cyprus Company House Fees

  • Structure Report £40
  • Due Diligence Report £750
  • Certificate of Incorporation £40
  • Certificate of Directors and Secretary £40
  • Certificate of Shareholders £40
  • Certificate of Registered Office £40
  • Certificate of Share Capital £40
  • Certificate of Change of Name £40
  • Certificate of Good Standing/Dissolution £40
  • Certificate of Bankruptcy £60
  • Memorandum and Articles of Association £70
  • Copies of the Financial Statements

There are often delays with the Cyprus Registry, documents may of been filed but are not always scanned and available and so, may take longer than expected to be certified.

We can supply the following company documents from the Registrar of Companies:

  • Certificate of Good Standing
  • Memorandum of Association
  • Certificate of Incorporation – Company Registration Certificate
  • Registered Office Certificate – a certificate confirming the registered address of the company in Cyprus

If you require Apostilled Cyprus Company Documents we would get certified copies in Cyprus and get them Notarised and Apostilled at the UK Foreign and Commonwealth Office.

Cyprus Certificate of Incorporation

We specialise in incorporating companies in Cyprus and therefore are familiar with the official company documents issued to each company. We are able to provide registry certified copies of these company documents, issued by the Cyprus Registrar of Companies.

Cyprus Certificate of Good Standing

Cyprus Certificates of Good Standing can be provided which confirms the date of registration and that the company is still registered. The Certificate of Good Standing is prepared by the Cyprus Registrar of Companies and duly stamped.

Establishing the existence of a Cyprus company and obtaining copies of official company documents held at the Companies Registrar may be required for:

  • Due Diligence – confirmation of a Cyprus company’s existence
  • Legal requirements – certified company documents

Cyprus Memorandum of Association

A copy of the Memorandum of Association can be provided for a Cyprus company, this is usually filed in Greek and sometimes in Greek and English and can be provided as a certified copy. If filed in Greek, translation services are available as an additional service.

Shareholders List

All companies in Cyprus are required to file an annual return with the Registry. On this document a register of shareholders must be included with shareholders names and their shareholding. We are able to obtain scanned copies of the annual return including the shareholders register. The annual return is usually filed in Greek, if an English version is available this will be supplied.

Directors and Company Secretary

Details of the company directors and company secretary are included on the company’s annually filed Annual Return. Therefore, we are able to provide a register detailing the company directors and company secretary including the date in which each director was appointed to their current position.