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Malta Company Documents

Malta Company Documents

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Malta Company Document examples

As company incorporation agents our experience with the Malta Registrar of Companies means we can obtain company reports, certified copies of official documents held by the registry on any registered company in Malta.

A certified document is where the Maltese Registrar of Companies stamps the document to verify its authenticity.

We can obtain copies of company documents from the Maltese Financial Services Authority which we can get legalised with the apostille at the Foreign office in Malta.

Malta Company Document fees

Malta Company Documents
Company Search Report£1384-5 days
Certificate of Good Standing Registry Certified£3007-10 days
Certificate of Incorporation Registry Certified£3007-10 days
Memorandum of Association Registry Certified£3007-10 days
Certificate of Good Standing Apostilled£50010-14 days
Certificate of Incorporation Apostilled£50010-14 days
Memorandum of Association Apostilled£50010-14 days
Expedite fee£75

Malta Companies Registry – MFSA Registry of Companies

Malta Companies Registry

The Registry of Companies
Notabile Road
Attard BKR14

The Registry of Companies forms part of the Malta Financial Services Authority, the core responsibilities of the Registrar of Companies are in the Malta Companies Act 1995.

Malta Company Search Report

A Maltese company report includes details of the company, confirms its existence and lists company information.

The Maltese company report includes:

  • Company Name
  • Company Registration Number/ ID number
  • Date of Incorporation/ Registration date
  • Company Type
  • Company Locality/ City
  • Registered Office Address

Company Share Capital:

  • Total Number of Authorised Shares
  • Total Number of Issued Shares
  • Authorised Share Capital
  • Share type – Ordinary
  • Number of Shares Issued
  • Nominal Value Per Share in Euros or US Dollars

Involvements including on each Director:

  • Director – Full name
  • Director – ID number
  • Director – Full address
  • Director – nationality

Involvements including on each Shareholder:

  • Company Shareholders – including shareholders name
  • Company Shareholders – ID number
  • Company Shareholders – address and nationality
  • If corporate shareholder the company name, company address and company registration number
  • For each shareholder – including share type, share class, issued shares, percentage paid up, nominal value per share in Euros

Legal Representatives details including:

  • Full name
  • ID number
  • Address
  • Nationality

Judicial Representatives details including:

  • Full name
  • ID number
  • Address
  • Nationality

Company Secretaries details including:

  • Full name
  • ID number
  • Address
  • Nationality

Company Accounts including:

  • The latest filed Directors’ Report and Accounts – The latest filed Directors’ Report and Accounts – contents includes: directors’ report, supplementary information, statement of financial position, statement of comprehensive income, statement in changes in equity, cash flow statement, notes to the financial statements, profit and loss account, balance sheets, independent auditors’ report – if filed/ available
  • The format of the accounts to be submitted depends on the size of the Maltese company.

Scanned copy of the latest filed Annual Return:

  • Latest Annual Return – Companies are required to submit to the Registrar an Annual Return accompanied by the appropriate registration fee upon each anniversary of the company’s registration, it is signed by at least one director or the company secretary – if filed and available
  • List of the documents filed with the Maltese Registry of Companies by the company – including document type, date filed/ archived at registry and any additional comments.

Malta Accounts – Financial Statements

Maltese companies are required to prepare Directors’ Report and Accounts which are filed with the Maltese registry. Small private companies may file abridged balance sheets and abridged profit and loss accounts. We can supply a copy of the latest Directors’ Report and Accounts filed with the Maltese Registry of Companies. A copy of the latest Company Accounts are included in the Malta company search report we provide.

Malta Certificate of Good Standing

We can supply a Certificate of Good Standing from the Maltese Registrar of Companies certifying that the company is in Good Standing.

The Certificate of Good Standing certifies that the company is registered under the Laws of Malta, the date incorporated, that the company is still registered and confirms that all Registry administrative requirements have been complied with.

The certificate can be issued by the registry to include the details of the registered office, incorporation date, directors, company secretary and the current shareholders. The Registrar of Companies sign and date the certificate when issued.

The certificate is provided from the Malta Registrar of Companies with an official stamp, seal and with the signature of an authorised officer.

Malta Certificate of Incorporation

The Certificate of Incorporation is a legal document issued by the Maltese Registrar of Companies. The registration certificate includes the company name, company type, registration number, registered office address and date of registration. The certificate can be legalised with an apostille at the Foreign office in Malta. We can provide Registry Certified copies and Apostilled copies of the Certificate of Incorporation.

Memorandum and Articles of Association

We can also supply a registry copy of the companies Articles of Association, issued under the Malta Companies Act. The Memorandum of Association must specify the objects for which the company is incorporated and include:

  • The company name
  • The company’s registered office in Malta
  • The objects of the company
  • The name and address of each of the subscribers
  • The amount of authorised share capital
  • The number of shares taken up by each of the subscribers and the amount paid up in respect of each share and, where the share capital is divided into different classes of shares, the rights attaching to the shares of each class
  • The number of the directors, the name and address of the first directors
  • If any directors is a corporate body, the name and registered/principal office of the corporate body.
  • The name and address of the first company secretary
  • The period, if any, fixed for the duration of the company
  • The total amount or an estimate of all the costs payable by the company or chargeable to it by reason of its formation up to the time it is authorised to commence business.

The Articles of Association are filed with the Maltese Registry of Companies and set out the internal regulations for the management of a Maltese company. This document can be supplied as a registry certified copy.

Apostilled Malta Company Documents

We can supply Malta Apostilled company documents, the Apostille is a certificate attached to the company document which confirms the authenticity of the signature and registry stamp.

In Malta company documents are certified and the registry and then receive the Apostille stamp from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs.

Malta apostilled company documents we can obtain include:

  • Certificate of Incorporation
  • Memorandum and Articles of Association
  • Certificates of Good Standing

An Apostille authenticates the documentation and enables the presenter to bypass further certification and immediately use the documents in the intended country.

Directors Certificate

The Directors Certificate is a registry document that shows who the directors are of a Maltese registered company. This certificate certifies that the company incorporated was registered under the Laws of Malta and is still registered, it confirms the present directors of the company.

Shareholders Certificate

The Shareholders Certificate is a registry document that shows who the present shareholders are of a Maltese registered company. The document also shows how many shares they each have.

Annual Return

Companies are required by Maltese Company Law to submit an annual return upon the anniversary date of the company’s registration.

The annual return must be signed by the director or the company secretary and submitted to the Companies Registrar within 40 days after the incorporation anniversary date. The annual return must include, but is not limited to, details of directors, details of secretary, issued shares, registered office and changes in the past year. Details from the last filed annual return are included in the company search we provide.