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Singapore Company Documents

Singapore Company Documents

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Singapore Company Document examples

As incorporation agents our experience with the Singapore Accounting and Corporate Regulatory Authority means we can provide Singapore company searches and electronic copies of company documents.

Singapore Company Documents
Company Search Report£1882-3 days
Company Credit Report£1602-3 days
Certificate of Good Standing Registry Certified£3002-5 days
Certificate of Good Standing Apostilled£5008-14 days
Expedite fee£75

Singapore Accounting and Corporate Regulatory Authority (ACRA)

The Accounting and Corporate Regulatory Authority is the national regulator of business entities and corporate service providers in Singapore.

Singapore Companies Registry – ACRA
International Plaza

Singapore Company Search Report

We can supply a Company Search report from the Singapore Accounting and Corporate Regulatory Authority (ACRA).

The contents of a Singapore company search report include:

  • Registered Company Name
  • Former Company Names – if applicable
  • Date of Change of Name – if applicable
  • Name effective date
  • Company Registration Number
  • Date of Incorporation/ Registration
  • Company Type – Limited Private company, Exempt Private company limited by shares
  • Company Status – live company, terminated, cancelled, gazetted to be struck off, dissolved
  • Status Date
  • Registered Address
  • Change of address date – if applicable
  • Principal Activity – company activities and description of the activities
  • Registry Compliance Rating – annual general meeting, annual return and accounts up-to-date, annual general meeting, annual return or accounts late, company status is not live
  • Certificate Renewal date
  • Certificate Expiry date
  • Constitution of Business
  • Principal place of Business
  • Date of change of address – if applicable

Company Share Capital:

  • Total Number of Issued Shares
  • Share currency – Singapore dollar
  • Share type – Ordinary
  • Number of Shares Issued
  • Paid up Share Capital
  • Details of any shares held as Treasury Shares

Including on each company Shareholder:

  • Company Shareholder – Name
  • Company Shareholder – Address/Corporate Registered address
  • Company Shareholder – Nationality/ Place of Incorporation
  • Company Shareholder – Occupation/Corporate Body
  • Company Shareholder – Shares held
  • Company Shareholder – Ordinary number of shares held, currency – Singapore dollar

Including on each company Director/Secretary:

  • Director – Full name/ Company Name
  • Director – Full address
  • Director – Source of Address – ACRA
  • Director – Occupation/ Corporate Body
  • Director – ID number/ Registration number
  • Director – Nationality
  • Director – Date Appointed

Additional company details including:

  • Date of last Annual General Meeting
  • Date of last Annual Return
  • Date of Accounts laid at last AGM
  • Date of lodgement of Annual Return, Accounts
  • Any complaints reported to ACRA about the company – where available
  • Audit Firm appointed – where applicable
  • Audit Firm date appointed – where applicable

Company Accounts including:

  • The latest filed Directors’ Report and Accounts – The latest filed Directors’ Report and Accounts – contents includes: directors’ report, supplementary information, statement of financial position, statement of comprehensive income, statement in changes in equity, cash flow statement, notes to the financial statements, profit and loss account, balance sheets, independent auditors’ report – if filed/ available as filing requirement depends on the type of company
  • The accounts are not always scanned so the registry can take 2-3 days to organise this and email through
  • The format of the accounts to be submitted depends on the size of the Singapore company

The search report will be ordered from the Singapore Registrar of Companies and is delivered by email in 3 to 5 business days.

Singapore Certificate of Good Standing

We can supply an Electronic Certificate of Good Standing from the Singapore Accounting and Corporate Regulatory Authority certifying that the Singapore Company is in Good Standing.

The Certificate of Good Standing certifies the company was incorporated under the Singapore Companies Act, Cap 50 and proves the existence of a company registered in Singapore, and that it is still live on the corporate register. It bears the electronic signature of the Assistant Registrar of ACRA and the name of the company, its incorporation date, status and company activities will be stated on the certificate. This will once ordered be emailed through as a scanned copy.

Singapore Certificate of Incorporation

We can supply a Certificate of Good Standing with registration details from the Singapore Accounting and Corporate Regulatory Authority certifying that the Company is registered in Singapore and the current status. We cannot supply a copy of the original Certificate of Incorporation, only company officers and authorised representatives of the Singapore company can obtain a copy of the Incorporation Certificate.

Memorandum & Articles of Association – Company Constitution

The Memorandum & Articles of Association now renamed as the Constitution by new amendments to the Singapore Companies Act. We can provide from ACRA scanned copies of the Singapore Company Constitution.

Financial Statements

Singapore Public and Private companies  must file must submit annual financial statements to the Singapore Accounting and Corporate Regulatory Authority.

We can supply a copy of the most recent accounts filed, these are usually available in English.

Exempt private companies  are exempted from filing financial statements, but are encouraged to file financial statements with the Singapore Accounting and Corporate Regulatory Authority.

Annual Return

Singapore companies are required to submit to the Registrar an Annual Return accompanied by the appropriate registration fee upon each anniversary of the company’s registration. We can provide scanned copies of the latest filed annual return, where available.

Singapore Company Credit Report

We can supply a Corporate Compliance and Financial Profile from the Singapore Accounting and Corporate Regulatory Authority. The Corporate Compliance and Financial Profile is a report that provides a checklist to understand the financials of a company at one glance. Its contents include:

  • Business profile information
  • Financial profile based on up to three years of comparative data
  • Financial ratios
  • Compliance rating status

Order Singapore Company Documents

The Singapore company search report will be ordered from the Singapore Accounting and Corporate Regulatory Authority and is delivered by email. Singapore Company documents are ordered from the Singapore Accounting and Corporate Regulatory Authority and delivered by email.