Customer Service

Malta Company Search

Malta Company Search Report

Document Order

We are able to conduct a search on any company registered in Malta.

We contact the Maltese Registrar of Companies and obtain the latest information on the target company which will show the company’s current position and status.

Malta Company Search Report
Company Search Report£1384-5 days
Expedite fee£753-4 days

Malta Companies Registry

The Maltese Registrar of Companies is part of the Malta Financial Services Authority.

The core responsibilities of the Registrar of Companies arise out of the Malta Companies Act 1995 including the Registration of companies and partnerships, registration of company documents, issue of certified documentation and the collection of fees and penalties.

Contents of a Malta Company Search Report

  • Company Name
  • Company Registration Number/ ID number
  • Date of Incorporation/ Registration date
  • Company Type
  • Company Locality/ City
  • Registered Office Address

Company Share Capital:

  • Total Number of Authorised Shares
  • Total Number of Issued Shares
  • Authorised Share Capital
  • Share type – Ordinary
  • Number of Shares Issued
  • Nominal Value Per Share in Euros or US Dollars

Involvements including on each Director:

  • Director – Full name
  • Director – ID number
  • Director – Full address
  • Director – nationality

Involvements including on each Shareholder:

  • Company Shareholders – including shareholders name
  • Company Shareholders – ID number
  • Company Shareholders – address and nationality
  • If corporate shareholder the company name, company address and company registration number
  • For each shareholder – including share type, share class, issued shares, percentage paid up, nominal value per share in Euros

Legal Representatives details including:

  • Full name
  • ID number
  • Address
  • Nationality

Judicial Representatives details including:

  • Full name
  • ID number
  • Address
  • Nationality

Company Secretaries details including:

  • Full name
  • ID number
  • Address
  • Nationality

Company Accounts including:

  • The latest filed Directors’ Report and Accounts – The latest filed Directors’ Report and Accounts – contents includes: directors’ report, supplementary information, statement of financial position, statement of comprehensive income, statement in changes in equity, cash flow statement, notes to the financial statements, profit and loss account, balance sheets, independent auditors’ report – if filed/ available
  • The format of the accounts to be submitted depends on the size of the Maltese company.

Scanned copy of the latest filed Annual Return:

  • Latest Annual Return – Companies are required to submit to the Registrar an Annual Return accompanied by the appropriate registration fee upon each anniversary of the company’s registration, it is signed by at least one director or the company secretary – if filed and available
  • List of the documents filed with the Maltese Registry of Companies by the company – including document type, date filed/ archived at registry and any additional comments.

Malta Company Search example

Order a Malta Company Search Report

We can supply Company Search Reports on company’s registered in Malta. Please complete our order form so we can assist with your Malta company search and company document requirements.

The Malta company search report is delivered to you via email as a PDF.