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Ireland Company Documents

Ireland Company Documents

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Ireland Company Document examples

As company incorporation agents our experience and relationship with the Companies Registration Office means we can obtain registry copies of company documents and conduct comprehensive Irish company searches. We can supply a company search report is a summary of the latest information on the Irish company held by the Companies Registration Office.

Companies Registration Office

We can supply certified copies of Irish company documents from the Companies Registration Office including:

  • Certificate of Incorporation
  • Certificate of Good Standing – Letter of Status
  • Director’s Report & Accounts
  • Company Constitution
Ireland Company Documents
Company Search Report£1001-2 days
Certificate of Good Standing Registry Certified£2804-5 days
Certificate of Good Standing Apostilled£48010-14 days
Certificate of Incorporation Registry Certified£2804-5 days
Certificate of Incorporation Apostilled£48010-14 days
Company Constitution Registry Certified£2804-5 days
Company Constitution Registry Apostilled£48010-14 days
Director’s Report & Accounts£964-5 days
Expedite fee£75

Ireland Company Search Report

We can provide a company search report on companies registered in Ireland, this includes the following information from the Companies Registration Office:

  • Company Name and Previous Names – if applicable
  • Company Incorporation Number
  • Date of Incorporation
  • Company Type: single member private company limited by shares
  • Registered Office address
  • Current Legal Status – in Good Standing, struck off, dissolved
  • Date of Last Annual Return, date filed made up to
  • Date of the next Annual Return date
  • Date of last Accounts filed
  • Bond Expiry Date – if applicable
  • Registered Charges – charges registered in respect of the company, some charges may be received and not yet registered at the Companies Registration Office
  • Director’s details – including name, address, date of birth, confirmation if the person is an EEA resident and list of other directorships
  • Company Secretary details – including name and address
  • List of Documents submitted to the Companies Registration Office – including submission number, document number, document type, status, received date, effective/ accounts to date and the number of pages
  • Shareholders details – including name, address, number of shares held and share class
  • Authorised Share Capital – authorised nominal ie: 10,000 divided into 10,000 Ordinary Shares of €1 each
  • Issued Share Capital – issued nominal value of the shares – ie: 1,000 divided into 1,000 Ordinary Shares of €1 each
  • The Latest filed Directors’ Report and Accounts – most companies on the register are required to file accounts with their annual return within the Companies Act 2014. Contents can include: directors’ report, independent auditors’ report, profit and loss account, balance sheets, cash flow statement, notes on the cash flow statement and notes on the financial statements – if available
  • The annual return includes a list of directors and details of the company secretary at the date of the return together shareholders’ details and any share transfers since the previously filed return and the registered office address.

Registry Certified Company Search Extract

As an additional service we can provide a certified company search extract on an Irish company. The registry certified company search report is signed, stamped and dated by an authorised official at the Companies Registration Office.

Ireland Certificate of Good Standing – Letter of Status

We can supply a Certificate of Good Standing/ Letter of Status which is an official document, issued by the Irish Companies Registration Office, which confirms the company status.

The Certificate of Good Standing is provided from the Companies Registration Office and certified by the Registrar with an official stamp, seal and with the signature of an authorised officer. The Certificate of Good Standing can be Apostilled where required.

Ireland Certificate of Incorporation

We can provide a Certificate of Incorporation for any company registered with the Irish Companies Registration Office. The Registrar issues a copy or a certified copy Certificate of Incorporation certifying that a company was incorporated under the Companies Act 2014.

The Certificate includes the following:

  • Company Name
  • Date of Incorporation
  • Company Number
  • Companies Act

Ireland Certificate of Incorporation example
Ireland Certificate of Incorporation

Ireland Apostilled Company Documents

We can supply certified Irish company documents from the Companies Registration Office, which are then Apostilled by the Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade in Ireland, which authenticates documents executed in Ireland for use in other countries.

Authenticating a document means verifying the signature of the authorised person, the sea and official stamp. The apostille/ legalisation certificate is attached to the document. The apostille enables the presenter to bypass further certification and immediately send or take the documents to the country of intended use.

We can supply registry certified and Apostilled documents in Ireland, including:

  • Letter of Status/ Certificate of Good Standing
  • Certificate of Incorporation
  • Constitution (previously called Memorandum and Articles of Association)

Directors’ Report & Accounts

Company accounts filed at the Companies Registration Office vary according to the classification of the Irish company. We can provide a copy of the latest Directors’ Report & Accounts for Companies registered in Ireland. The latest filed Directors’ Report and Accounts are included in the company search report, where available.
We can supply a Letter of Good Standing which is an official document, issued by the Irish Companies Registration Office, which confirms the company status.

The letter is provided from the Companies Registration Office and certified by the Registrar with an official stamp, seal and with the signature of an authorised officer. Apostille service is also available.

Ireland Company Constitution

We are able to provide registry certified copies of the target company’s Constitution. The Constitution for an Irish company, sets out the objects and the powers of the company, they are mandatory documents filed with the Companies Registration Office when, a limited company is incorporated in Ireland. The Constitution was previously called Memorandum and Articles of Association.

Ireland Annual Return

We can provide scanned copies of the most recent Annual Return filed by an Irish company and historical copies of older annual returns. These are delivered by email, older archived copies of annual returns can take longer.

The annual return is a statutory form companies need to file with the Companies Registration Office, it is a requirement under the Irish Companies Act 2014. The Annual Return document includes the following information:

  • Registered Office Address
  • Issued Share Capital
  • List of Directors – particulars of Directors of the Limited company on the date of the Annual Return. Including full name, nationality, country of origin, residential address, business occupation and other directorships
  • List of company Shareholders
  • Company Secretary – particulars of Secretaries of the company. Including full name and residential address. In the case of the company secretary being a corporate body the name and corporate office address
  • Summary of the Authorised Share Capital and Shares including the nominal Share Capital and number of and the value the shares are divided into and the Issued Share Capital

Mortgages and Company Charges

We can provide copies of mortgage and charges documents from the companies registry on Irish companies. We can check with the Irish registry and advise how many mortgages are registered against the company and how many have been satisfied and are outstanding. A Mortgage profile can be ordered giving the full details of each charge or mortgage from the list which, is of interest.

The registration of mortgages and charges is governed by the Irish the Companies Act, certain mortgages and charges created by a company must be filed with the Companies Registration Office. When the Companies Registration Office is satisfied that the statutory requirements are met, a certificate of charge is issued which is evidence that the requirements of the Companies Act have been complied with.

Order Ireland Company Documents

The Ireland company search report will be ordered from the Companies Registry and is delivered by email. Irish Company documents are ordered from the Companies Registry, with a scanned copy by email and where required the original delivered by courier.