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Canada Company Search

Canada Company Search Report

Document Order

We are able to conduct a search on any company registered in Canada. We contact the Company Registry and obtain the latest information on the target company which will show the companies current position and status.

Canada Company Search Report
Company Search Report£1884-6 days
Expedite fee£752-4 days

Canada Companies Registry

We can provide a search report from the Federal Corporations Directorate with the latest information on the target company.

Contents of a Canadian Company Search Report

The Canada company search report includes:

  • Incorporation details including date and registration number
  • Corporation Name
  • Corporation Name changes and history – including where applicable date effective from
  • Amalgamation details – where applicable including amalgamation date, amalgamating corporations, corporation/ company numbers
  • Company Registration Number/  Corporation Number
  • Current company status at the Federal Corporations Directorate
  • Date of Incorporation
  • Company Type – Ontario Business Corporation
  • Current company status at the Federal Corporations Directorate- Active
  • Former Jurisdiction – where applicable
  • Registered Office Address
  • Company Mailing Address

Details on each Director where available including:

  • Director – Full name/ Corporation Name
  • Director – Date began
  • Director – Full address
  • Director – Confirmation if Canadian resident

Details on each Officer of the company where available including:

  • Officer – Full name/ Corporation Name
  • Officer – Date began
  • Officer – Full address
  • Officer – Officer type – secretary, chief financial officer, chief executive office, president
  • Officer – Confirmation if Canadian resident

Canada Company Search Report example

Order a Canada Company Search Report

We can supply Company Search Reports on company’s registered in Canada.

Please complete our enquiry form so we can assist with your Canada company search requirements. The Canada company search report is delivered to you via email as a PDF.