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Trinidad and Tobago Company Documents

Trinidad and Tobago Company Documents

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Trinidad and Tobago Company Documents examples

We can provide company search reports and certified company documents from the Registrar General’s Department in Trinidad and Tobago.

Trinidad and Tobago Company Document fees

Trinidad & Tobago Company Documents
Company Search Report£2285-9 days
Certificate of Good Standing Registry Certified£3805-9 days
Certificate of Good Standing Apostilled£50010-14 days
Certificate of Incorporation Registry Certified£3805-9 days
Expedite fee£75

Registrar General’s Department

The Registrar is responsible for the Incorporation of Trinidad and Tobago companies, under the Companies Act, Chapter 81:01.

Trinidad and Tobago Company Search Report

A Trinidad and Tobago company report includes details of the company, confirms its existence and provides company information.

The contents of a Trinidad and Tobago company search report include:

  • Full Company Name
  • Details of Previous company names – where available
  • Date of Incorporation
  • Date of Continuance – only where applicable
  • Date of Continuance – with details if moved from another jurisdiction
  • Date the registry uploaded the company onto their Systems
  • Company Type/ Legal form – External Company, Private Limited Liability Company
  • Company Status – Active, Not in Good Standing, Continued, Struck off, Dissolved
  • Company Registration Number
  • Company Registration / Registry File Number
  • Company Suffix – Limited, Ltd,
  • Company Activity – overview of the business
  • Company Registered Office Address in Trinidad and Tobago
  • Other company addresses including operating addresses
  • Company contact details including telephone – where available
  • Company Directors details – name, address, position held – if a Limited Liability Company, from the last annual return filed – where available
  • Company Shareholder details – name, address, number of shares held if a Limited Liability Company, from the last annual return filed
  • Company Secretary details – name, address, position held – where available, from the last annual return filed
  • Shares Capital details – Ordinary Shares, Share Value
  • Please note that the Trinidad legislation is different from the rest of the Caribbean in respect of shareholding. The Companies Act (as amended in 1995) makes provision for each class and series of shares to be authorised or issued. Companies are expected to maintain in its accounting records a separate stated capital account for each class and series of shares issued. There is no provision for this to be disclosed to the public when no shares are issued.
  • General Company Information including Address, contact numbers, email and staff levels
  • Parent, Associates or Subsidiaries – where available
  • Banker details – name and address
  • Details of Debentures, Mortgages, Charges – where filed and available
  • Charges have been registered against the Subject Company in accordance with the regulations of the Companies Registry, details provided include: Type of charge registered, Date, Reference Number, Details of the Lender and Borrower, Borrower’s Security and the Consideration amount.
  • Background company information – where available
  • Additional details not from the registry – where available
  • A search is also carried out at the High Court and Magistrates Court of Trinidad & Tobago and the Judiciary of the Republic of Trinidad & Tobago database

A Private Limited Liability Company is not obliged to file accounts at the Registrar of Companies.

An External Company is exempt from filing and publishing Annual Audited Accounts at the Registrar of Companies, under Trinidad Law.

Trinidad and Tobago Certificate of Good Standing

The Certificate of Good Standing we can provide is issued by the Registrar of Companies under the Trinidad and Tobago Companies Act CH 81:01. A company which is registered with the Trinidad and Tobago registry, is said to be active and in good standing if it has filed and continued to file all statutory filings and paid all annual fees which are due.

The Certificate of Good Standing is certified, stamped by the registry and signed by an authorised officer.

The certificate includes the company name, company registration number, registered office address and the date incorporated.

To remain in Good Standing the Trinidad and Tobago company has to file an Annual Return.

The certificate certifies that the company has filed the documents required at the registry and under the provisions of the Companies Act is in Good Standing.

To obtain the Certificate of Good Standing for Trinidad and Tobago company, we send our agent to the registry to order and then collect the document once prepared.

Financial Statements

Under Trinidad and Tobago Law a Private Limited Liability Company is not obliged to file or publish Annual Audited Accounts at the Registrar of Companies. So we are unable to provide a copy of the Financial Statements for a registered company in Trinidad and Tobago.

Trinidad and Tobago Certificate of Incorporation

We can provide a Certificate of Incorporation for any company registered with the Trinidad and Tobago Registrar General’s Department and issued under the Companies Act, 1995 – Chapter 81:01.

 The Certificate is issued under the 1995 Companies Act and called a Certificate of Registration. The Registrar issues a copy of Certificate of Incorporation showing that a company was incorporated in Trinidad and Tobago.

The Certificate includes the following:

  • Company Name
  • Date of Incorporation of the Trinidad and Tobago company
  • Company ID number
  • Company Registration Number
  • Certificate is issued under the 1995 Companies Act

Trinidad and Tobago Articles of Association

Since the commencement of the Companies Act 1995, there is no longer a requirement for the filing of Articles of Association in Trinidad and Tobago.

Trinidad and Tobago Apostille – Legalisation

We can supply Apostilled Trinidad and Tobago company documents, they are certified by the Registry and after which we obtain an Apostille certificate. We can usually provide apostille company documents including the Certificate of Incorporation, Certificate of Good Standing and the Memorandum of Association.

Order Trinidad and Tobago Company Documents

We can provide copies of official company documents and conduct searches for companies registered in the Trinidad and Tobago.

The company search report will be ordered from the Registrar General’s Department and is delivered by email. Trinidad and Tobago Company documents are ordered from the Registrar General’s Department and delivered by courier.