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Switzerland Company Documents

Switzerland Company Documents

Document Order

As incorporation agents our experience with the Federal Commercial Registry in Switzerland means we can obtain copies of company documents from the registry. We are able to conduct a company search report which includes details of the company, confirms its existence and details the current company details.

Switzerland Company Document fees

Switzerland Company Documents
Company Search Report£1883-4 days
Certificate of Good Standing Registry Certified£2405-7 days
Expedite fee£75

Contents of a Swiss Company Search Report

A Swiss company search report usually includes the following information:

  • Full company name – Raison Sociale
  • Registered Company Number – Fed. Nr
  • Head Office – Siège
  • Registered Office address – Adresse
  • Legal Entity
  • Activity & Observations
  • Date of Incorporation – Dates des Statuts
  • Administration, review board and people having signing capability – Administration, organe de révision et personnes ayant qualité pour signer
  • Share Capital – nominal, released and shares – Capital actions – nominal, libéré, actions
  • Company Statutes – if available
  • Statute updates – if available
  • If the company is dissolved

The original shareholders of the company are included in the constitution of the company, the company does not need to register any change to shareholders at the Registry.

Certificate of Good Standing – Extract of the Commercial Register

There is no certificate of good standing provided by the Swiss registries. We can supply a certified extract of the Commercial Register from the Federal Commercial Registry in Switzerland certifying the current company details.

The certificate is provided from the Federal Commercial Registry with an official stamp, seal and with the signature of an authorised officer.

In some Cantons we can provide an extract from the commercial register in German with the current company details.

If there is no mention of liquidation, bankruptcy, loss of domicile or lack of directors of company or auditors the company is Good Standing.

Certificate of Incorporation – Gründungsurkunde

We are unable to provide the Certificate of Incorporation for a registered company in Switzerland, under the Swiss Companies Act.
Switzerland Certificate of Incorporation

Public Information

Upon incorporation director and shareholder registers must be filed at the Commercial Registry, but are not available for public inspection. Furthermore, these registers do not have to be kept up to date with any subsequent changes to company directors or registers.

Swiss Company Financial Statements

Generally, companies incorporated in Switzerland are not required to file annual financial statements. The exception to this is for certain types of company, such as banks, finance institutions, publicly traded companies. For these companies the financial statements must be filed within six months following the end of the reporting period.

Switzerland Company Documents

Please complete our enquiry form, so we can assist with your Switzerland company documents requirements.