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Slovakia Company Search

Slovakia Company Search Report

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We are able to conduct a search on any company registered in Slovakia.

We contact the Ministry of Justice of the Slovak Republic and obtain the latest information on the target company which will show the company’s current position and status.

Slovakia Company Search Report
Company Search Report£1385-7 days
Expedite fee£752-4 days

Slovakia Companies Registry

We can provide a search report from the Ministry of Justice of the Slovak Republic with the latest information on the target company.

Contents of a Slovakia Company Search Report

  • Company Name/ Obchodné Meno
  • Former Company Names
  • Company Registration Number/ Identification Number/ Identifikačné číslo
  • Registered Office Address/ Adresa
  • Date of Incorporation/ Registration date/ Dátum vzniku
  • Date of Termination/ Dátum zániku – where relevant
  • Company Type/Legal form/ Právna forma – Spoločnosť s ručením obmedzeným – Private limited liability company (Spol. s r.o), Komanditná Spoločnos (k.s), Akciová Spoločnos (a.s)
  • Company status – active, in liquidation, insolvent, bankrupt
  • Tax Number/ DIČ
  • Vat Registration – if registered and date from
  • Main company Activity/ Predmet Podnikania – Nace Sector Code/SK Nace – Number and description of company activities
  • Share Capital (Euros €)

Shareholders and share details including:

  • Shareholders name
  • Position in the company – partner
  • Percentage of shares held
  • Share value – in Euros €

Representatives and and managers including:

  • Name
  • Position in the company – company agent, executive head

Company Accounts including:

  • The latest filed Directors’ Report and Accounts – The latest filed Directors’ Report and Accounts – contents includes: balance sheets, profit and loss statement, ratio indicators, debts of the company- if filed/ available

Slovakia Registry Extract included in the search report – from the Ministerstvo Spravodlivosti Slovenskej Republiky/Ministry of Justice of the Slovak Republic with the latest filed details on the company

Slovakia Company Search example

Order a Slovakia Company Search Report

We can supply a Company Search Report on companies registered in Slovakia.

The document once received from the Ministry of Justice of the Slovak Republic and is delivered by email as a PDF. Please complete our form with the name of the company.