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Panama Company Search

Panama Company Search Report

Document Order

We can conduct a company search on any company registered in Panama.

We contact the Registro Público de Panamá and obtain the latest information on the company which will show the Panama company’s current status.

Panama Company Search Report
Company Search Report£2585-7 days
Expedite fee£754-5 days

Panama Companies Registry

The Registro Público de Panamá is responsible for incorporations of Companies and Foundations in Panama. they also archive all company documents.

Panama Company Search Report includes:

  • Full Company Name / Nombre de la Sociedad
  • Company registration number / Ficha
  • Date of Incorporation / Fecha de Registro
  • Date of Deed / Fecha de Escritura
  • Public Deed Number / No. de Escritura
  • Number of public deeds the company has registered with the Public Registry of Panama – if available
  • Subscribers names and ID number – the subscribers are the first shareholders or first owners of the company, Panama corporations must have two subscribers present at the Public Registry in order to be incorporated
  • Current Legal Status: Good Standing, Dissolved / Disuelta, Struck Off
  • Date of Status changed if Dissolved / Disuelta or Struck Off
  • Company Duration / Duración: Perpetua
  • Share Capital / Monto de Capital
  • Share Currency/ Moneda
  • Authorised Share Capital/ Capital Autorizado
  • Class of Shares
  • Number of Shares Issued
  • Registered Agent/ Agente Residente – Panama legislation requires every Limited Liability Company to have a Registered Agent in the Republic of Panama
  • Registered Agent Address and contact details – if available
  • Panama Registered Agent contact details – if available
  • Domicile – A Panama company can have offices anywhere
  • Notary/ Notaria
  • Proxies – if registered
  • Company Meetings: location to be held
  • Legal Representative/ Representante Legal
  • Company Directors and officers titles, names and ID number/ Título del Dignatario, Nombre del Dignatario and address
  • Name of the original shareholders/ Nombre de los Suscriptores
  • Name of the original Directors/ Nombre de los Directores

Panama Company Search example

Order a Panama Company Search Report

We can obtain from the Registro Público de Panamá copies of company certificates including the incorporation documents and Certificate of Good Standing.

To request Registry copies of company documents please, enter the target company name, select the company documents required.