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Jersey Company Documents

Jersey Company Documents

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Jersey Company Document examples

As company incorporation agents our experience and relationship with the Jersey Registrar of Companies which is part of the Financial Services Commission means, we can obtain registry copies of company documents and conduct comprehensive Jersey company searches.

Jersey Company Document fees

Jersey Company Documents
Company Search Report£1384-5 days
Certificate of Good Standing Registry Certified£3004-5 days
Certificate of Good Standing Apostilled£5008-14 days
Certificate of Incorporation Registry Certified£3004-5 days
Certificate of Incorporation Apostilled£5008-14 days
Memorandum and Articles of Association£3004-5 days
Expedite fee£75

Jersey Company Search Report

The Jersey Company Search is a summary of the latest information filed at Financial Services Commission, confirms the existence of the company and provides further company details disclosed by the company.

We can conduct searches at the Jersey registry on any Jersey registered company under the Companies Act 1991.

The contents of a Jersey company search report include:

  • Company Name
  • Previous Company Names – where available, including date to and from
  • Company Number
  • Date of Incorporation/ Date Registered
  • Company Type – Registered Private Company
  • Business Code – RC
  • Company Status – Live
  • Registered Office Address
  • Share status
  • List of Documents filed including – document name, document code and date filed
  • Shareholders – In Jersey it is mandatory to submit details of company shareholders to the Financial Services Commission – the details in the search include the name, address, number of shares held by shareholders at date of last return, class of share and any addition remarks. This information is available where an Annual Return has been filed.
  • Directors – Although details of the directors are submitted to the Financial Services Commission this information is kept confidential. As a result the information a company search can provide on company directors is limited
  • Classes of Share issued – £1 Class A shares, £1 Class B shares and £1 Ordinary Shares
  • Number of Shares issued in total as of last annual return.
  • Copy of the most recent Annual Return included within the search report – where filed

Jersey Certificate of Good Standing

We can supply a Certificate of Good Standing issued by the Registrar of Companies, confirms the company has a status of Good Standing with the registry and is up to date with the statutory filing requirements.

On the certificate the Registrar of Companies certifies that the private company was incorporated in Jersey under the Companies Law 1991. The Certificate of Good Standing includes the company name, registration date, registration number and the registered office of the private company. The Jersey Certificate of Good Standing features an authentication ID which can be validated online at the registry.

The Certificate of Good Standing is provided electronically by the Jersey registry, as an additional service we can provide it Notarised and Apostilled at the UK Foreign and Commonwealth Office.

Company Registers

Companies are obliged to keep director and company secretary registers, which are held at the companies registered office address. These documents are available for the registrar for inspection on demand but, are not available for public inspection.

The Jersey Certificate of Incorporation is issued by the Financial Services Commission and we can provide a registry copy of the company incorporation certificate which includes the company name, company number, date of incorporation and states that a company is incorporated under the relevant companies acts.

Memorandum of Association

We can provide copies of the Memorandum of Association which includes, the company name, registered office, registered agent, business activities, share capital the company is authorised to issue, objects and powers of the Jersey company.

Share Capital & Financial Statements

There is no minimum share capital requirements for a company incorporation in Jersey and share capital may be expressed in any currency.

Accounts of private companies do not have to be filed with the Jersey Financial Services Commission. There are no requirements to have company accounts audited.

Company Directors & Shareholders

Companies in Jersey require only one director, with no restrictions placed on nationality or residency. Detailed information on the directors must be submitted to the Financial Services Department and are kept confidential.

A company in Jersey is required to have a minimum of two shareholders, with no restrictions placed upon nationality or residency. The maximum number of shareholders is 30, unless the Jersey Financial Services Commission allows otherwise in certain circumstances.

Jersey Certificate of Incorporation

We can provide a Certificate of Incorporation for any company registered with the Jersey Financial Services Commission – Companies Registry. The Registrar issues a copy or a certified copy Certificate of Incorporation certifying that a company is incorporated under the Jersey Companies Act.

The Certificate includes the following:

  • Company Name
  • Date of Incorporation
  • Company Number
  • Companies Act

Order Jersey Company Documents

The Jersey company search report will be ordered from the Jersey Registrar of Companies and is delivered by email. Jersey Company documents are ordered from the Registrar of Companies and delivered by email and where required the originals by courier.