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Japan Company Search

Japan Company Search Report

Document Order

We are able to conduct a company search on any company registered in Japan. The most common form of company in Japan is a Kabushiki Kaisha company (KK) which, is a limited liability company. The Kabushiki Kaisha is similar to a USA Corporation and a Goudou Kaisha is similar to a USA Limited Liability Company.

Japan Company Search Report
Company Search Report£2885-7 days
Expedite fee£754-5 days

Japan Companies Registry

We can provide a search report from the Japan Companies Registry with the latest information on the target company.

Contents of a Japan Company Search Report

  • Company Name
  • English company name
  • Company Registration Number
  • Date Founded
  • Date of Incorporation/ Registration date
  • Company Type
  • Company Code
  • Company Activity – description of activity
  • Details of any branch offices – where available
  • Key suppliers and Customers of the company – where available
  • TIC & TDB Company Code
  • Representative
  • Registered Office Address
  • Company contact details – telephone, fax, website – where available
  • Additional details including notes on the General situation of the business
  • Renewal date of the Japanese company

Company Share Capital:

  • Share Capital – yen
  • Number of Shares Issued
  • Paid-up Capital – Number of shares
  • Shares with restriction on transfer

Details on each Director/the Management including:

  • Full Name
  • Position held – President, Senior Managing Director, Managing Director, Director, Auditor
  • Additional details included on Senior Management – where available

Shareholder Details including:

  • Number of Shareholders
  • Principal Shareholders names – where available
  • Respective shareholdings for each Shareholder – number of shares and percentage
  • Notes filed at the registry on the shareholders – where available
  • Details if restrictions on the transfer of shares

Additional details including:

  • Licenses held – where available
  • History on the company – including changes to company name
  • Parent Company, Affiliated company
  • Number of Employees

Company Accounts where available including:

  • Analysis of the Financial Statements – where available
  • Condensed Balance Sheet – where available
  • Condensed Income Statement – where available
  • Condensed Statement of changes in Net Worth – where available

Japanese Company Directors

Only one director is required for a Kabushiki Kaisha (KK) company. A Japanese Resident is mandatory for the Japanese company. A director of a Japanese company needs to possess residence status and be a Japanese national, with a working visa and permanent residence in Japan.

Registered Office

Your Japan company must have a registered office, which must be a physical address in Japan. The registered office is where documents may be legally served on the company.

Company Shareholders

Only one shareholder of any nationality is required and the names of shareholders are filed at the companies registry.

Japan Company Search Report example

Order a Japan Company Search Report

We can supply Company Search Reports on company’s registered in Japan. Please complete our enquiry form so we can assist with your Japan company search requirements. The Japan search report is delivered to you via email as a PDF.