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Italy companies registry

Italy Company Registry – Registro Imprese

The Italian Business Register is a public register provided for within the Civil Code since 1996, by the Italian Law in relation to the reorganisation of the Chambers of Commerce and subsequent Implementing Regulations.

Italy Companies Registry functions

  • The Italian Business Register, the Register of Protests, the Trademarks and Patents Archive where 6 million companies, 10 million people, 900,000 financial statements and over a million trademarks are filed each year
  • Register of Italian company details: it contains information (incorporation, amendments, cessation of trading) for all companies with any legal status and within any sector of economic activity, with headquarters or local branches within the country, as well as any other subjects as required by law

Service we provide in Italy

Italy Company Formations – Italian companies are registered, with reasonable incorporation costs with at least one director and one shareholder who can be the same person and do not need to be Italian residents

Italy Company Search Reports – Find out the Current Status of any Italian company with our registry searches. The Italian company search includes registration details, amendments and latest filed accounts for Italian companies

Italy Registry Filing Requirements

Annual Accounts including the Balance Sheet and Income Statement are filed at the Italian Business Registry.

Following abolition of the shareholders register, Limited Liability Companies are no longer required to file a list of shareholders. Joint Stock Companies, on the other hand, are required to re-confirm the corporate structure with respect to the previous year if it has not changed, or to file the changes that have taken place.

Italian Chamber of Commerce

The Italian Chamber system consists of 105 Chambers of Commerce, one for each Italian province. The Italian Business Register Office at each Chamber of Commerce has the following features:

  • Provincial Jurisdiction managed by the local Chamber of Commerce, under the supervision of a Judge, appointed by the Presiding Judge of the Court of the provincial capital
  • Governed by a curator appointed by the board duly represented by the Secretary General or a director of the Chamber of Commerce who will ensure the correct management of the Italian Business Register in accordance with any provisions on the subject and any decisions made by the Register Judge