Finland Company Documents | Document Order |
As company incorporation agents our experience and relationship with the Finnish Trade Register (Kaupparekisteri) means, we can obtain registry copies of company documents and conduct comprehensive Finnish company searches.
Finland Company Documents fees
Finland Company Documents | ||
Company Search Report | £138 | 3-5 days |
Expedite fee | £75 | 2-3 days |
Order |
Finnish Trade Register – Kaupparekister
The Finnish Trade Registry contains information about businesses and companies, they must be notified of any changes. Companies registered in Finland must also submit their annual accounts to the register.
All information is submitted to the National Board of Patents and Registrations, which acts as the trade register of Finland.
All businesses must be registered with the trade register and must notify the register of any changes to the company, ensuring the information held is up-to-date.
Finland Company Search Report
The Finland Company Search is a summary of the latest information filed at Finnish Trade Register, confirms the existence of the company and provides further company details disclosed by the company.
A Finland company search report includes the following information:
- Company Name/ Företagets namn
- Trade Name/ Toiminimi
- Business ID Number/ FO-nummer
- Date of Incorporation/ Registration date/ Senaste registreringsdag
- Company Type – Limited company/ Aktiebolag
- Company Locality/ City
- Registered Office/ Hemort
- Company Status/ Företagets status – on the register/ I registret
- Company address and company contact details
- Share capital information/ Pääomatiedot – share value in Euros (€)
- Directors – names, position held, date of birth, residency
- Auditors – name and business ID
- List of the financial filings by the company
- List of the latest filings/ announcements
Company Accounts including:
- The latest filed Directors’ Report and Accounts – The latest filed Directors’ Report and Accounts – contents includes: directors’ report, supplementary information, statement of financial position, statement of comprehensive income, statement in changes in equity, cash flow statement, notes to the financial statements, profit and loss account, balance sheets, independent auditors’ report – if filed/ available
- The format of the accounts to be submitted depends on the size of the Finland company.
- Company accounts are usually filed in Finnish
Financial Statements
A Finnish company must prepare and submit to the Finnish Trade Registry a financial statement, including a director’s report if the company is not small. The financial statement must be submitted within four months from the end of the financial period. The Financial Statements of a Finnish company are usually filed in Finnish or in Swedish.
Accounting and reporting requirements apply in Finland. All registered companies must file financial statements for each financial period in accordance with the Accounting Act in Finland and produce a director statement commenting on the financial statement regarding the state of the company. Companies must appoint a professional auditor and annual accounts and reports need to be submitted to the Finland Trade Register.
Finland Certificate of Incorporation
The Finland Certificate of Incorporation is issued by the Finnish Trade Register and we can provide a registry copy of the company incorporation certificate which includes the company name, company number, date of incorporation and states that a company is incorporated under the relevant companies acts.
Finland Certificate of Good Standing
The Finnish Trade Registry does not provide Certificates of Good Standing. The company search we provide does confirm the company status at the registry.
Articles of Association
We can provide electronic copies of the Articles of Association, these are usually filed at the registry in Finnish or in Swedish.
Company Registers
Finnish companies are required to produce and maintain shareholder and director registers that are kept at the company’s registered address in Finland. The Finnish Trade Registry keep a copy of the directors register, but not the shareholder register.
Finnish Trade Register & Register of Foundations
To incorporate a Finnish Osakeyhtiö (Oy) the following is required for the Finnish Trade Register & Register of Foundations:
- Proposed Company Name
- Brief Description of Company Activities
- Shareholders Details
- Company Directors Details
- Finnish Registered Office Address
- Amount of Share Capital
- Proof of capital payment – certificate from bank
- If a person without a Finnish personal identity code is a Director, a certified copy of his or her passport
- If a foreign company subscribes for shares, an extract from the register in the company’s home country
- Memorandum of Association and Articles of Association
Every Osakeyhtiö (Oy) is obliged to file a Start-up Notification with the Trade Register and a limited liability company must be reported for registration within three months from the signing of the Memorandum of Association.
Share Capital
The minimum share capital for a Finnish Limited Liability Company is €2,500
Company Shareholders
A minimum of one shareholder is required for a Finnish company, with at least one shareholder being a permanent resident of Finland or have domicile in the European Economic Area. Persons from outside the EU or EEA establishing a business in Finland need a permit from the National Board of Patents and Registration of Finland.
A computerised shareholder register is kept containing information on shareholders and their holdings which is available.
General Meetings
An annual general meeting for a Finnish company is mandatory, and must be held within six months of the end of the company’s financial year – unless a shorter term is specified in the Articles of Association.