Customer Service

Client Refund

Client Refund

We can usually process a partial refund if you decide not to proceed, after deduction of the expenses we have incurred.

Alternatively the refund can be credited to your System Day account and used towards futures orders.

Company Documents

With Company Document orders we have to initially locate the company at the registry, there are costs involved in this process.

In some countries we have to send an agent to the registry to manually check company archives to locate the correct company, this can be a time consuming process. When the company is located we verify a company is genuine, confirm its registered details, address and legal status and compile the search report based on the company file at the registry.

With the company searches where the company is not located we will refund the search fee after the deduction of the fees and work we have carried out.

When the company is not located but, there has been a significant amount of work carrying out numerous checks at the registry, we cannot always refund the company search fee.

Company Formations

If during the company formation process you need to cancel your order, we will make the appropriate refund of any fees after the deduction of the fees for the work we have carried out.

These costs incurred include drafting the Memorandum and Articles, completing the formation forms, due diligence checks and instructing agents.

Refunds cannot be given for company formation, once the company application has been submitted to Companies Registry.

Company Restorations

When refunding for Company Restorations we will deduct all fees for work in carried out preparation for the Restoration.

The fees we will deduct from any potential refund will includes:

Work that we have so far carried out includes:

  • Preparing the company file for submission to the registrar
  • Completing the forms for the Companies Registry
  • Completing forms for the proposed Registered Agent
  • Drafting the company resolutions and registers for filing
  • Company Search with the Companies Registry
  • Due diligence of the Shareholders, Directors and beneficial owner
  • Preparing the company file for Restoration
  • Drafting the Restoration forms
  • Compliance checks
  • Liaising with the Companies Registry over the restoration of your company