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Turkey Company Documents

Turkey Company Documents

Document Order

As company incorporation agents our experience and relationship with the Turkish Trade Registry means we can conduct comprehensive Turkey company searches.

Turkey Company Document fees

Turkey Company Documents
Company Search Report£2286-7 days
Expedite fee£752-4 days

Turkey Company Search Report

We can provide company search reports with the latest filed information from the Turkish Trade Registry.

The Turkish company search includes the following company identification:

  • Full company name
  • Previous Company names – including details of date changed
  • Date of Incorporation
  • Company Registration Number
  • Registered Address/ Head office address
  • Company contact details including phone number- where available

Including Legal Status & History:

  • Company Tax number & Tax Office
  • Current Legal Status: Good Standing or Struck Off
  • Registered at Chamber of Commerce
  • Establishment Gazette date & number
  • Company Type -Limited Liability Companies Limited Şirket/ Ltd, Joint Stock Company- Anonim Şirket/ A.Ş.
  • Registered and paid-up Share Capital
  • Registry filing history
  • Gazette extract in Turkish from the Turkish registry on the company

Including Ownership/ Management of the company

  • Shareholders – Name and Shareholding
  • Group parent company, sister companies, subsidiaries – including full company name
  • Directors details – including name and position held

Company Operations including:

  • Business Activities/ Objects
  • NACE Code
  • Company Sector
  • Number of employees
  • Net sales – where available

Key financial information including the following – where available :

  • Latest Financial Statements – Balance Sheet and Income Statements – if filed
  • Net Sales
  • Profit/ Loss
  • Stockholders’ Equity
  • Total Assets
  • Current Assets
  • Non-Current Assets
  • Current Liabilities
  • Long-Term Liabilities
  • Gross Profit/ Loss
  • Operating Profit/ Loss
  • Net Profit/ Loss
  • Balance sheets

The company identification details, legal status, historical information and shareholders details are obtained from the commercial registry.

Turkish Commercial Registry

Turkey Companies Registry

Turkey Companies Registry – Turkish Trade Registry
Turkish Trade Registry Gazette
Dumlupinar Bul. No:252
06530 Ankara

Order Turkey Company Documents

The Turkey company search report will be ordered from the Turkish Trade Registry and is delivered by email.