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Samoa Company Documents

Samoa Company Documents

Document Order

Samoa Company Document examples

We can provide copies of company documents from the Samoa Business Registry, the documents we can provide include:

Samoa Company Documents
Company Search Report£2284-5 days
Certificate of Incorporation£2204-5 days
Expedite fee£752-3 days

Samoa Business Registry

The Samoa Business Registry maintain the register for: Limited Liability Companies, Limited Partnerships and Samoa Foundations. Information regarding IBC companies registered in Samoa can only be provided by the registered agent on file. In some instances permission from the entity owner has to been given prior to the registered agent releasing information.

Samoa Company Search Report

We check the company file at the Samoa Business Registry and obtain the latest information on the target company which will show the companies current details and status. Information regarding IBC companies registered in Samoa can only be provided by the registered agent on file.

Information obtained from the Samoa Business Registry included in the search report includes:

  • Company Name
  • Company Registration number
  • Company Incorporation date – the Certificate of Continuance is the certificate of incorporation of a continued company
  • Company Type:  Companies Ordinance Company, Samoa Business Company, Limited Liability Companies, Limited Partnerships
  • Company Status: Active and in Good Standing, Not in Good Standing, Dissolved, Active & Pending Strike off – the company’s secondary status is pending strike off because the annual return fee for is at default or remains outstanding
  • Registered Agent address – where avaiable
  • Registered Agent contact details – including telephone, email and website
  • Company Directors/ Shareholders –  directors/ shareholders are generally not filed at the registry.
  • Additional company details not from the registry – where available

Directors and Shareholders details are not normally filed at the Samoa Commercial Registry, however if this information is available it will be included in the report.

IBC Beneficial Owner deatils are kept at the Registered Office, but are not available publicly.

Samoa Certificate of Incorporation

We can provide a Certificate of Incorporation for any company registered with the Registrar of Companies in Samoa.

The Registrar issues a copy or a certified copy of the Certificate of Incorporation confirming that the company is incorporated under the Samoa Companies Act and shows:

  • Company Name
  • Date of Incorporation
  • Company Number
  • Companies Act

Samoa Company Document Order

We can provide copies of official company documents and conduct searches for companies registered in Samoa. Information regarding IBC companies registered in Samoa can only be provided by the registered agent on file.

To request Company Registry copies of Company Documents from us please, enter the target company name, select the documents required.