Customer Service

Russia Company Documents

Russia Company Documents

Document Order

We are able to supply company documents from the Companies Registry in Russia, the documents we can provide certified copies of Russia company documents held at the company register, an Apostille service can also be provided on certified copies of Russia company documents. The Federal Tax Service is the federal body of executive authority responsible for carrying out state registration of legal entities.

Russia Company Document fees

Russia Company Documents
Company Search Report£2585-8 days
Expedite fee£753-5 days

Russia Company Search Report

A Russia company report includes details of the company, confirms its existence and lists company information.

The Russia company report includes:

  • Company Name
  • Company Registration Number – OGRN number
  • Date of Incorporation
  • Company Type – Non Commercial Partnership, Limited Liability Company,
  • Registered Office/ Legal Address
  • Company Contact details
  • Company Status – Active, In process of reorganisation,
  • Main Activity of the Russian company and activity code
  • Additional Activities of the Russian company and activity codes
  • Branch offices, representative offices
  • Number of Subsidiary companies
  • Authorised Share Capital – RUB
  • Board/ Chairman of the Board/ Owners of the company – Name and date of entry
  • Details of Government contacts issued
  • Financial Statements – including Balance Sheet – where available
  • The company search report is supplied in English

Russia Company Search Report example

Director’s Report & Accounts

We can provide latest Director’s Report & Accounts for Russian registered companies. Company accounts filed at the Russia companies registry vary according to the classification of the company. A copy of the latest filed accounts is included in the search report where filed and available. Financial statements must be prepared for companies registered in the Russian Federation. The financial statements must be presented before the shareholders at the general meeting before being submitted annually to the Federal Statistics Service and tax authorities.

Russia Certificate of Incorporation

A certified copy of the Certificate of Incorporation for a Russian company can only be obtained if requested by the directors of the Russian company. The Certificate of Incorporation is issued by the Russia companies registry when a Russian company is incorporated. We can provide a copy of a Russian company incorporation certificate which includes the company name, company number, date of incorporation and states that a company is registered.

Company Statutes – Memorandum of Association

Copies of Company Statutes are not available in Russia, only official Government bodies can request copies. Copies could only be requested on relative legal grounds so, this is not something we can provide.

Russia Certificate of Good Standing

The Certificate of Good Standing does not exist in Russia. There are documents available in Russia that can reflect such information, but they can only be obtained on legal grounds so, are not publicly available. We can instead supply a EGRUL extract which includes the latest details on the company.

Company Directors & Shareholders

There are no restriction on the nationality or residency of shareholders, and may be individuals or corporate entities. The Directors of a Russian company may be of any nationality and residency.

Russia Company Document Order

The Russia Company Registry can provide a variety of company documents. To request Company Registry copies of Company Documents from us please, enter the target company name, select the documents required.
The Russia company search report is delivered by email with the latest company information and status. Company documents and be provided on Russian companies and are delivered by courier, with a scan emailed through.