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Peru Company Documents

Peru Company Documents

Document Order

As company incorporation agents our experience and relationship with the Peru Companies Registry means, we can obtain registry copies of company documents and conduct comprehensive Peru company searches.

We can provide copies of Peru company documents held at the company register.

Peru Company Document fees

Peru Company Documents
Company Search Report£25812-14 days
Expedite fee£756-7  days

Peru Company Search Report

The Peru Company Search is a summary of the latest information filed at Companies Registry, confirms the existence of the company and provides further company details disclosed by the company.

Our Peru Company Search report includes the following:

  • Company Name – Nombre/ Razón Social
  • Business/ Trade Name – Nombre Comercial
  • Company Type/ Legal form – privately held corporation
  • Mercantile Registry Number
  • Company Status – Active
  • Tax ID/ Número de RUC
  • Date of Incorporation/ Registration date – Fecha de Inscripción
  • Authorised nominal share capital, issued capital and paid up capital – (figures in Peruvian soles)
  • Date of Commencement of Activities/ Fecha de Inicio de Actividades
  • Company Status/ Estado de la Empresa – Activo, Suspended/ Suspension Temporal, Officially Deregistered/ Cancelled
  • Date Officially Deregistered/ Cancelled – if applicable
  • Company Type/ Tipo Contribuyente – Sociedad Anonima, Empresa Individual de Resp. Ltda
  • Company Location – Ubicación
  • Activities of the Company/ Actividades Económicas
  • Accounting System/ Sistema de Contabilidad
  • Trade Activity/ Actividad de Comercio Exterior
  • Historical Information from the registry
  • Legal Address/ Dirección del Domicilio Fiscal
  • Number of Employees/ Número de Trabajadores
  • Main Address/ Dirección Principal
  • Company contact details – where available
  • Company Activity/ Sector económico de desempeño
  • Legal Representatives/ Representantes Legales – Director, Presidente, General Manager/ Gerente General, including the following details: Name/ Nombre, Position/ Cargo, Date Appointed/ Fecha Desde – where available

Peru Certificate of Incorporation

The Peru Certificate of Incorporation is issued by the Companies Registry and we can provide a registry copy of the company incorporation certificate which includes the company name, company number, date of incorporation and states that a company is incorporated under the relevant companies acts.

Peru Certificate of Good Standing

A Certificate of Good Standing cannot be provide in Peru from the Registry.

Memorandum of Association

We can provide copies of the Memorandum of Association which includes, the company name, registered office, registered agent, business activities, share capital the company is authorised to issue, objects and powers of the Peru company.

Peru Company Credit Reports

With a Peru Company Credit Report we conduct an investigation on the target company, include the latest information on the company held by the Companies Registry and credit recommendations are included, where financial data has been filed.

Company Directors

Companies have a legal obligation to maintain certain company registers, we can provide details of the registered company directors for Peru companies.


There must be at least two, and no more than twenty shareholders and they can be of any nationality and residency and may be individuals or corporations. A Peru company search will provide these details where available.

Peru Company Documents

Please complete our enquiry form, so we can assist with your company documents requirements.

Sociedad Anónima Cerrada

  • Sociedad Anonima Cerrada (S.A.C.) – This is the most common form of organization due to its limited liability and flexible nature. It is the equivalent of a Private Limited Company. Shares may not be publicly traded.

Share Capital

There is no minimum capital requirements for a Peruvian company.

Accounting and Reporting

It is mandatory in Peru to keep accounting books, financial statements, and other records that accurately represent the companies financial position and explain its transactions. Financial statements must be filed in accordance with accounting principles in Peru, including International Accounting Standards.

Accounts must be kept in Spanish and in the national currency (Peruvian nuevo sol).

Shareholder and director registers must be kept, and are available for public inspection upon request.

Financial statements must be prepared and presented at shareholder meetings but it is not necessary to have these accounts audited by an external auditor.

Order Peru Company Documents

The Peru company search report will be ordered from the Peru Companies Registry and is delivered by email.