Customer Service

Morocco Company Search

Morocco Company Search Report

Document Order

We are able to conduct a search on any company registered in Morocco

Morocco Company Search Report
Company Search Report£1386-7 days
Expedite fee£755-6 days

Morocco Companies Registry

We can provide a search report from the Morocco Centre Regional d’Investissemen with the latest information on the target company.

Contents of a Morocco Company Search Report

  • Company Name – Enseigne
  • Dénomination
  • Company Registration Number – Numéro RC
  • Date of Incorporation – Date création
  • Company Type – Forme juridique – Societe a Responsabilité Limitée
  • Morocco local register Court – Tribunal
  • Share Capital – MAD/Moroccan Dirhams
  • Company Status – Etat RC- en activite/active
  • Company Activity – Activité
  • Company Address – Adresse
  • Company Representatives – Name/Nom & Prénom, Position, Qualité and Adresse
  • Company History – Historique – Amendments and changes to statutes and changes filed at the registry
  • The latest filed Directors’ Report and Accounts – where available

Morocco Company Search example

Order a Morocco Company Search Report

We can supply a Company Search Report on companies registered in Morocco.

The document once received from the Morocco Centre Regional d’Investissemen are delivered by email as a PDF.