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Mauritius Company Search

Mauritius Company Search Report

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We are able to conduct a Company Search on any company registered in the Mauritius.

Mauritius Company Search Report
Company Search Report£1883-4 days
Expedite fee£751-2 days

Mauritius Registrar of Companies

We can provide a search report from the Mauritius Registrar of Companies with the latest information on the target company.

Contents of a Mauritius Company Search Report

  • Company/ Partnership Name
  • Company/ Partnership Number
  • Company Status – Live, Defunct and
  • If in process of dissolution/ winding up
  • Type of Company – Limited by Shares, Global Business Category 1 (GBC 1), Global Business Category (GBC 2) Licence, Protected Cell Company
  • Nature of Mauritius Company – Private,
  • Incorporation/Registration Date
  • Company Category – Global Business Category 1, Domestic, Category 2 Global Business Licence / formerly International Companies
  • Subcategory
  • Registered Office Address
  • Registered Agent Address and contact details – where available
  • Additional details not from the registry – where available

Agent can only with authorisation provide:
Names of Shareholders, number and type of shares issued;
Details on transfer of shares (if any);
Stated Capital;
Names of Directors, the date of appointment and resignation (if applicable)
Registered Office address;
Constitution (alteration/revocation if applicable);
Legal Certificate;
Certificate of Incorporation

In Mauritius details of directors and shareholdings of private companies are confidential not divulged to third parties without consent. The information is held by the Mauritius Registrar of Companies and the Mauritius Registered Agent.

Companies holding a Category 2 Global Business License are required to maintain financial statements to reflect their financial position and are not required to file accounts with the Mauritius Registrar of Companies.

A company with a Global Business Licence conducts business outside of Mauritius. A resident Mauritius corporation which conducts business outside of Mauritius may apply to the Financial Services Commission for a Category 1 Global Business Licence.

Mauritius Company Types

The company search report we provide from the Mauritius registry confirms the current status and company type:
Global Business Category 1:A resident corporation which proposes to conduct business outside Mauritius may apply to the FSC for a Category 1 Global Business Licence. A resident corporation is a body corporate formed or registered in Mauritius, and may include any trust, société, partnership or anybody of persons governed by the laws of Mauritius.
Global Business Category 2::A Category 2 Global Business Company (GBC 2) is required to have a Registered Agent in Mauritius. A Management Company must act as the Registered Agent of a company holding a GBC 2 licence. A GBC 2 is defined as a resident corporation conducting business outside Mauritius.

Mauritius Company Search example

Order a Mauritius Company Search Report

We can supply a Company Search Report on companies registered in Mauritius, the company search once received from the Registrar of Companies are delivered by email as a PDF.