Customer Service

Iceland Company Search

Iceland Company Search

Document Order

We can provide a Company Search, with the latest filed information from the companies registry including the legal status of the company, company registration details, director’s and shareholders’ details and the current registered office address.

Iceland Company Search Report
Company Search Report£1888-10 days
Expedite fee£755-7 days

Contents of an Iceland Company Search Report

  • Company Name/ Nafn félags
  • Registered Address/ Póstfang
  • Company Number/ Kennitala
  • Address/ Póstfang
  • Company Type/ Rekstrarform – Private Limited Company/ Einkahlutafélag (ehf)
  • Nace Code/ ÍSAT Atvinnugreinaflokkun
  • Company Activity
  • Vat Number/ Virðisaukaskattsnúmer
  • Company Status – date if declared bankrupt and delisted
  • Resolution and Amendment filing dates – where available
  • Accounts/ Financial statements – date last filed

Iceland Company Search Report example

Order an Iceland Company Search Report

We can supply Company Search Reports on company’s registered in Iceland. Please complete our order form so we can assist with your Iceland company search and company document requirements. The Iceland company search report is delivered to you via email as a PDF.