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Hungary Company Documents

Hungary Company Documents

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Hungarian Company Document examples

We are able to supply company documents from the Companies Registry in Hungary.

Hungary Company Document fees

Hungary Company Documents
Company Search Report£13812-14 days
Hungary Director’s Report & Account£9612-14 days
Expedite fee£756-7 days

Hungary Company Search Report

A Hungary company report includes details of the company, confirms its existence and lists company information including:

  • Company Name/ Cégneve
  • Company Registration Number/ Cégjegyzékszáma
  • Main Activity/ Főtevékenysége
  • share Capital/ Jegyzett tőkéje
  • VAT number/ Adószáma
  • Status – Active/ Működő, Deleted/Törölt
  • Date of Incorporation -Date of Establishment/ Alapítás dátuma
  • Gazette number/ Esemény cégközlöny száma
  • TEÁOR code
  • Company Type
  • Registered Office Address

Hungary Certificate of Incorporation

We cannot provide a copy of the certificate as it is not available from the registry. The certificate is only produced once at incorporation and no copies are held at the registry.

Memorandum of Association

We can provide copies of Hungarian companies Memorandum of Association which includes, the company name, registered office, registered agent, business activities, share capital the company is authorised to issue, objects and powers of the company.

Articles of Association

Company Articles of Association are a statutory company document which form the company’s constitution and internal rules under which the Hungarian company will be run.

Hungary Company Credit Reports

With a  Company Credit Report we conduct an investigation on the target company, which include the latest information on the company held by the Companies Registry and credit recommendations are included, where financial data has been analysed.

Director’s Report & Accounts

We can provide latest Director’s Report & Accounts for Hungary Registered Companies. Company accounts filed at the Hungarian companies registry vary according to the classification of the company.

Shareholder List

The shareholders’ register, contains a list of the shareholders and the amount of shares they hold, and the amount paid-up on each share. Only one shareholder is required.

Kft – Korlátolt Felelõsségû Társaság

A Kft, Korlátolt Felelõsségû Társaság, is a company limited by quotas or business shares.The Kft is the equivalent of a UK limited company.

Kft Company Registration

A newly registered company must also register with the following bodies:

  • The Central Office of Statistics (KSH)
  • National Income Tax (APEH)
  • Regional Income Tax
  • The (Regional) Court of Registration
  • The Institute of National Insurance

Hungary Company Directors

Only one director is required , of any nationality, we can provide details of the registered company directors for Hungarian companies.

Share Capital

Liability is limited to the amount of capital paid up, with the minimum currently set at HUF 500,000 (approx. €1,700).