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Equador Company Documents

Ecuador Company Documents

Document Order

As company incorporation agents our experience and relationship with the Superintendencia de Compañías and Ecuador Mercantile Registry means, we can obtain registry copies of company documents and conduct comprehensive Ecuador company searches.

We can provide copies of Ecuador company documents held at the company register, an Apostille service can also be provided on certified copies of Ecuador company documents issued by the Superintendencia de Compañías and Ecuador Mercantile Registry.

Ecuador Company Document fees

Ecuador Company Documents
Company Search Report£25812-14 days
Expedite fee£756-7 days

Ecuador Company Search Report

We can provide a Company Search on an Ecuador company which includes:

  • Company Name
  • Company Number
  • Date of Incorporation
  • Mercantile Registry date and Mercantile reference number
  • Legal Form/ Structure – Ecuador company law allows three types of companies – Corporations (Sociedad Anónima), Limited Liability Companies/ Limitada
  • Principal Activities
  • Current Legal Status – Good Standing, Struck Off
  • Tax Id Number
  • Historical company summary – where available
  • Capital structure including – authorised nominal capital, issued capital and paid-up share capital – the minimum share capital for an Ecuador company is based on the income per capita – start up capital must be at least ten times the current income per capita, with a minimum of US$1,00
  • Shareholders details – Including controlling shareholders name and percentage of shares held
  • Board of Directors and management – including position held and names
  • Registered trading/ office address
  • Company contact details for the registered/ trading address
  • Sales and Trading details – including export sales
  • Latest Financial Statements including balance sheets in US$ – where filed
  • Financial Statements Analysis – where available
  • Related Companies/ Subsidiaries – including company name and address

Ecuador – Company Types

The main types of company in Ecuador.

  • Compania de Responsabilidad Limitada (Cia or Ltda) – Otherwise known as a Limited Liability Company, this is the most common form of company incorporation and has restricted transfer of shares with the approval of all shareholders being necessary for the transfer of shares
  • Sucursales – Branches of foreign companies

Accounting and Reporting

Companies are required to keep and file accounting and financial records in accordance with Ecuadorian accounting standards. These records must be submitted to the Superintendencia de Compañías. A foreign owned Ecuadorian company must publish annually information on the directors and shareholders.

Companies must file an annual financial statements with the Superintendencia de Compañías.

Ecuador companies once incorporated are responsible for various legal and tax-related obligations, and their administrators are responsible for the fulfilment of these to remain in Good Standing.

Ecuador Company Registers

Shareholder and director registers must be kept. The directors register is open for public inspection, however, the details of non-resident shareholders and their shareholders do not need to be disclosed to the public.

Annual Return

All public companies must file an annual return with the Superintendency of Companies and include information such as reports filed by the legal representative, corporate controller, company auditors, etc. It must also include the companies financial statements.

Private companies are not required to file annual returns.

Ecuador Certificate of Incorporation

The Ecuador Certificate of Incorporation is issued by the Superintendencia de Compañías and we can provide a registry copy of the company incorporation certificate which includes the company name, company number, date of incorporation and states that a company is incorporated under the relevant companies acts.

Memorandum of Association

We can provide copies of the Memorandum of Association which includes, the company name, registered office, registered agent, business activities, share capital the company is authorised to issue, objects and powers of the Ecuador company.

Ecuador Company Credit Reports

With an Ecuador company Credit Report we conduct an investigation on the target company, include the latest information on the company held by the Superintendencia de Compañías and credit recommendations are included, where financial data has been filed.

Directors and Shareholders

Companies have a legal obligation to maintain certain company registers, we can provide details of the registered company directors and shareholders for Ecuador companies.

Two directors, of any nationality are required for an Ecuadorian company. A minimum of two and maximum of 15 shareholders are required for a Compania de Responsabilidad Limitada, with no restrictions on shareholder nationality.

Ecuador Company Document Order

The Ecuador Company Registry can provide a variety of documents. To request Company Registry copies of Company Documents from us please, enter the target company name and select the documents required.