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Denmark Company Documents

Denmark Company Documents

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Denmark Company Document examples

The Danish Anpartsselskab (ApS) is similar to a Limited Liability Company in the UK or the German GmbH.

As company incorporation agents our experience and relationship with the Danish Business Authority Erhvervsstyrelsen means, we can obtain registry copies of company documents and conduct comprehensive Denmark company searches.

Denmark Companies Registry

Denmark Companies Registry – Erhvervsstyrelsen
Langelinie 17
2100 Benhavn

The Central Business Register (CVR) registers primary data on all businesses in Denmark and covers both public and private businesses.

The Central Business Register contains detailed information on all limited companies, including fiscal reports, management, financial information and the company status.

We can provide certified copies of Denmark company documents held at the company register, an Apostille service can also be provided on certified copies of Denmark company documents issued by the Danish Business Authority.

Denmark Company Document fees

Denmark Company Documents
Company Search Report£1382-3 days
Apostilled Company Search£2753-4 days
Director’s Report & Accounts£964-6 days
Expedite fee£75

Denmark Company Search Report

A company search from the Danish Business Authority – Erhvervsstyrelsen and contains the following details:

  • Company name / Navn – in addition any filed secondary names
  • Date of establishment / Registration date / Stiftelsesdato
  • Company Registration Number / CVR
  • Company Type – Anpartsselskab
  • Company’s current status – normal/ good standing
  • Company registered address
  • The municipality in which the company’s registered office is located
  • Company contact details – where available
  • Names of the founders, executive board and board of directors / Personkreds, stiftere, direktion, bestyrelse med adresser
  • Names of Shareholders, address, percentage of shares held
  • Date of the latest published financial statement
  • Company Status
  • Objects clause
  • Company purpose / Formålsbestemmelse
  • Name of auditors
  • Registered share capital / Registreret kapital
  • Dates of the three latest published financial statements / Dato for seneste 3 offentliggjorte regnskaber
  • Historical company information / Historiske oplysninger – where available
  • Management and ownership – where available
  • The latest filed Directors’ Report and Accounts / Regnskaber – gratis – where available. All accounting records may be kept in any language, however, the authorities require a Danish copy to be kept – Accounts are generally prepared in Danish Krone or Euro.

The majority of company information is available for public inspection, however, the government does not keep a register of company shareholders.

Certificate of Incorporation – Registreringscertifika

The Denmark Certificate of Incorporation is issued by the Danish companies registry when a Denmark company is incorporated, We can provide a registry copy of a Denmark company incorporation certificate which includes the company name, company number and date of incorporation.

Copies of company certificates and name change certificates are available in Danish and also in English.

Denmark Certificate of Good Standing

The Danish Business Authority do not issue Certificates of Good Standing.

Director’s Report & Accounts

Every Danish company must prepare and submit an annual financial statement to the Danish Commerce and Companies Agency within five months following the end of the fiscal year.

We can provide latest Director’s Report & Accounts for Denmark Registered Companies. Company accounts filed at the Danish Business Authority may vary according to the classification of the company.

Danish companies are divided into a number of categories. The category in which a company is classified determines its reporting and auditing requirements.

Small Limited Companies

  • Net turnover between €1,800 – 9,600
  • Total assets between €900 – 4,800
  • Average number of employees between 10 – 50

Cash flow statement, consolidated financial statements and a managements commentary are not required in the annual financial statements.

Medium Sized Limited companies

  • Net turnover between €9,600 – 38,400
  • Total assets between € 4,800 – 19,200
  • Average number of employees between 50 – 250

A cash flow statement, consolidated financial statements and a basic management commentary are all required in the annual financial statements.

Large Companies

  • Total turnover exceeds €38,400
  • Total assets exceeds €19,200
  • Average number of employees exceeds 250

A cash flow statement, consolidated financial statements and a detailed management commentary are all required in the annual financial statements.

Company Registers

Company registers of directors and shareholders must be maintained and kept at the company’s registered office. The government does not keep a copy of the shareholders register. All changes to the company or the company’s registered office must be lodged as soon as the occur with the Danish companies Registry.

The Danish company search report includes the latest filed details on the shareholders and directors of the Danish company.

Annual Return

Danish companies must file an annual return confirming details of the company, including registered address, primary business objects and director information.

Memorandum & Articles of Association

We can provide copies of a Danish company Memorandum of Association, this includes the company name, registered office, registered agent, business activities, share capital the company is authorised to issue, objects and powers of the company.

Company Articles of Association are a statutory company document which forms the company’s constitution and internal rules under which the Denmark company will be run.

The Memorandum and Articles of Association are filed in Danish with the Registry when the company is incorporated, these documents are archived, so can take 2 weeks to obtain a copy.

Company Directors – Shareholders

Only one director is required for your Danish ApS. There are no resident or nationality requirements for management, including members of the Executive Board (CEO), Board of Directors or Supervisory Board. A Danish ApS requires a minimum of one Shareholder.

Authorised and Issued Share Capital

The minimum start up capital is DKK 50,000 (€7000). The capital can be paid up as cash contributions or a contribution of assets.

Order Danish Company Documents

The Denmark Company Registry can provide a variety of documents. To request Company Registry copies of Company Documents from us please, enter the target company name and select the documents required.