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Bosnia Herzegovina Company Documents

Bosnia Herzegovina Company Documents

Document Order

As company incorporation agents our experience and relationship with the Economic Chamber of the Republic of Bosnia Herzegovina who administer access to the Commercial Companies Register means, we can obtain registry copies of company documents and conduct comprehensive Bosnia Herzegovina company searches.

Bosnia Herzegovina does have accounting, auditing and reporting requirements which allows us to obtain information on Bosnia Herzegovina companies through a company search.

Bosnia Herzegovina Company Documents
Company Search Report£13812-14 days
Expedite fee£756-7 days

Bosnia Herzegovina Company Search Report

We can provides Company Search and Trade Register Extracts in Bosnia.

The Company Search is performed by obtaining extracts from the Bosnian Trade Register containing official detailed information on the respective Bosnian company such as:

  • Full Company Name Name
  • Abbreviated Company Name
  • Date of Incorporation
  • Company Registration Number
  • Registered office address
  • Date of Last filing at registry
  • Company type/ Legal form
  • Company Status
  • Contact details – where available
  • Directors details – including name, position held, authorisation
  • Shareholder information
  • Registered activities of business entity
  • Company Activities

Bosnia Herzegovina is divided into 10 Cantons with the state laying down company law alongside accounting, reporting and auditing requirements. Each canton is an entity of the Ministry of Finance with its own constitution and specific requirements for companies registered in its territories. We are able to advise you on the specific accounting and reporting requirements to which your company must adhere in order to remain in a state of good standing and avoid fines and penalties.

Bosnia Company Financial Statements

The accounting laws in Bosnia and Herzegovina require all companies to file financial statements on an annual basis, in accordance with International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS) and filed with the Ministry of Finance and the relevant entities Statistical Office.

Annual Return

An annual return must be prepared and filed no later than 31 March for the previous year.

Bosnia Cantons

There are 10 cantons in Bosnia and Herzegovina, each have different indirect local taxes and varying policies regarding company law, having there own constitution (based on the federal constitution), legislative and executive authority – it is important a company’s management understands the specific requirements required by their cantons authority.

The 10 cantons:

  • Unskosanskikanton
  • Posavskikanton
  • Tuzlansko-podrinjskikanton
  • Zenicko-dobojskikanton
  • Bosansko-podrinjskikantonGorazde
  • Srednjobosanskikanton
  • Hercegovacko – neretvanskikanton
  • Zapadnohercegovackikanton
  • Sarajevskikanton
  • Hercegbosanskikanton

Certificate of Incorporation

The Bosnia Herzegovina Certificate of Incorporation is issued by the Bosnia Herzegovina companies registry and we can provide a registry copy of the company incorporation certificate which includes the company name, company number, date of incorporation and states that a company is incorporated under the relevant companies acts.

Memorandum of Association

We can provide copies of Bosnia Herzegovina companies Memorandum of Association which includes, the company name, registered office, registered agent, business activities, share capital the company is authorised to issue, objects and powers of the Bosnia Herzegovina company.

Company Directors

Companies have a legal obligation to maintain certain company registers, we can provide details of the registered company directors for Bosnia Herzegovina companies.

Bosnia Herzegovina Company Registration

To incorporate a company in Bosnia Herzegovina the following is required for the Registry of Commercial Companies:

  • Proposed company name
  • Brief description of company activities
  • Company shareholders details
  • Company directors details
  • Bosnia Herzegovina registered office address
  • Amount of capital
  • Passport/identity card
  • Proof of capital payment – certificate from bank
  • Registration documents sent to the FBiH and RS require translation by a court interpreter
  • Memorandum of Association and Articles of Association

Jurisdictions and Cantons

All companies are required to register with the Municipal Courts in FBiH (Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina) and with the Commercial Court Registry in Republic of Srpska. These are the two jurisdictions in Bosnia Herzegovina and the location of the company’s registered office will determine which court has jurisdiction. Registration documents sent will need to be translated by the court interpreter.

Bosnia Herzegovina is split into Cantons and when incorporated the company must notify the Cantonal Inspection Authority regarding the beginning of business activities.

Limited Liability Companies (d.o.o)

There are two main company types in Bosnia Herzegovina – Limited Liability Companies (d.o.o) and Joint Stock Companies. Limited Liability Companies are by far the most common form of incorporation in Bosnia Herzegovina.

Share Capital

Minimum share capital is €1,000. Share capital must be fully paid into a bank account and a bank certificate confirming this must be available upon incorporation of the company.

Company Shareholders

Only one shareholder is required, with a maximum of fifty and no restrictions put on their nationality.

Company Directors

Only one director is required, of any nationality. There are obligations for Bosnia Herzegovina Limited Liability Companies (d.o.o) to hold annual director and shareholder meetings.

Order Bosnia Herzegovina Company Documents

The Bosnia company search report will be ordered from the Commercial Companies Register and is delivered by email. Bosnia Company documents are ordered from the Commercial Companies Register and delivered by email.